Saturday, April 30, 2011

4 months plus...

                                             bath time
                                      look at me holding my own bottle!!!
                                    Hi Preston- The first baby to really smile for us
                                      Couldn't quite catch Owen's smile....
                                                         Owen, Preston, and Kellen
The boys are now over 4 months old and I can't believe how fast the time has flown. It is late now but I feel bad about not updating. So here are some pictures until I update again. These are from when the boys are about 14 weeks old. I have been back to work since Feb. 7th and have been very busy!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Home sweet home

well the boys came home January 7th and we have been busy ever since. Adam stayed home the first week and after that I have pretty much had volunteers who have been over to help with feedings and such every day during the week. The boys have kept to their schedule of eating every 3 hours and have even stretched as far as 4 hours overnight at times. They are taking just under 3 ounces at every feeding too, hard to believe that just a month ago we were struggling to get them to take 20 ml from a bottle at a feeding! As for milk production, I have been keeping up for the most part, I have the boys on a rotating schedule where they get one bottle of formula every 4 feedings so only 2 bottles of formula a day each. This ended up being the easiest for me to keep track of and to keep up with for the most part. It feels a lot less stressful than trying to keep up and have all feedings be breastmilk. I have done fairly well at keeping the schedule of pumping after each feeding. Cuts in on my sleep but I want my boys to have the best as long as possible.
The boys are definitely filling out more and more each day and their little cheeks are getting so round! I still can't believe that they are here and that they are so healthy. As my due date passed this week I had to say a prayer thanking God for all he has given us and all the blessings in our lives and for taking care of my little men. They have really been so healthy and coming when they did they could have had a lot more problems than what they did!
Will try to write more often and include pictures soon!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Top pic: all three in one crib
New Special Care nursery: the boys areas in order
                                 Kellen's Korner
                                 Owen's Office
                                 Preston's Place                 (My sis came up with these!)

Well again I am feeling rushed this morning but also feel that I should post some updates...Owen went off the oxygen by 5pm the day they were born and nobody has needed it since (YAY!!) On Monday morning we were moved to new wing of hospital and it is gorgeous. The boys have their own room in the Special Care Nursery that their auntie decorated with a Christmas tree. Monday night Owen and Preston were moved into cribs and Kellen got into his on Wednesday. They have all been doing very well holding their temperatures on their own. They are now working on feeding, alternating between bottle, breast and tube. They do pretty well and only need the tube when they are too tuckered out to suck. No word yet on when they will be ready to come home but the doc thinks they will end up coming home in birth order. We are very excited about our fantastic Christmas presents this year and can't wait to see what kind of chaos three one year olds will add to our Christmas celebrations next year!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Owen, Preston, and Kellen!

The Triplets are here!
Owen Walter 8:09AM 4lbs14oz
Preston Jon 8:10AM 4lbs10oz
Kellen Adam 8:11AM 4lbs3oz

Owen is on a little bit of oxygen via hood, Preston and Kellen are both on room air.  Everyone is doing great.  Laura is smiling and joking around with family and nurses.  Adam is doing great as well!



Daddy's new jewelry

Mommy with pictures


Well test results came back from Wednesday and some counts were high for my liver so doc said pre-eclampsia we are having the babies on Friday! So after a full day yesterday of fielding calls and texts from my fabulous family and friends here we are on D-day!!! It is a little after 4:30am and we will be leaving for hospital at around 5 (hopefully!) I of course didn't sleep well and am just waiting to hear that all my little guys are doing well... I have never had major surgery let alone surgery while being awake so that part is a bit daunting but we will make it through and we get the best prize ever at the end!!! My sister may be adding more as the day progresses letting everyone know about babies and weights and stuff. Thank you for prayers!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Still Pregnant....

34 weeks and 3 days and yes still pregnant and getting very uncomfortable!!!
Asked doc today if we could move up c-section a week and she said we can't, so I basically have to wait for pre-eclampsia or labor in order to deliver before 36 weeks...argh!!!
I believe earlier I said I wanted them to wait til after Christmas so that next year would be their first Christmas but with how uncomfortable I have been this last week I changed my mind and I would love to have some babies before Christmas....

Approximate weights for today are
Baby A- 4lbs 3oz
Baby B- 4 lbs 5 oz
Baby C- 3lbs 14oz

Have another appt. for BPP's on Friday so we will see how they they are doing then!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

34 weeks and 2 days

So I haven't posted in a would think that I have tons of time to do so....oops...
So last week we had an appointment on Monday, all went well everyone passed their BPP's with 8 out of 8 again!! YaY babies!!! Baby B was intent on hiding from the ultrasound tech so that they couldn't get real precise measurements of him no matter which way mom turned! They estimate both baby A and B to be 3lbs 14 oz and baby C 3lbs 9 oz.
I was checked for the group B strep and Dr said I was 90% effaced but not dilated yet.
This last weekend we got 22 inches of snow and didn't get plowed out until late late late Sunday night! We were definitely thanking our lucky stars that babies did not decide to arrive because it would have been quite an adventure trying to get to the hospital. We did make a trip in to hospital on Monday night because I thought babies were not quite as active as usual. Of course when we got there babies were moving and jiving like crazy so maybe they just wanted to get out of the house!!! Adam said it is like when you take your car to a mechanic because it is making a noise and then it miraculously stops when you get to the mechanic.  Oh well, better to be safe than sorry! Nurses are all very excited about us having the trips there and hope that we make it to the 20th when the new rooms open. I will see what Dr says tomorrow at our appointment!!!