Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Home sweet home

well the boys came home January 7th and we have been busy ever since. Adam stayed home the first week and after that I have pretty much had volunteers who have been over to help with feedings and such every day during the week. The boys have kept to their schedule of eating every 3 hours and have even stretched as far as 4 hours overnight at times. They are taking just under 3 ounces at every feeding too, hard to believe that just a month ago we were struggling to get them to take 20 ml from a bottle at a feeding! As for milk production, I have been keeping up for the most part, I have the boys on a rotating schedule where they get one bottle of formula every 4 feedings so only 2 bottles of formula a day each. This ended up being the easiest for me to keep track of and to keep up with for the most part. It feels a lot less stressful than trying to keep up and have all feedings be breastmilk. I have done fairly well at keeping the schedule of pumping after each feeding. Cuts in on my sleep but I want my boys to have the best as long as possible.
The boys are definitely filling out more and more each day and their little cheeks are getting so round! I still can't believe that they are here and that they are so healthy. As my due date passed this week I had to say a prayer thanking God for all he has given us and all the blessings in our lives and for taking care of my little men. They have really been so healthy and coming when they did they could have had a lot more problems than what they did!
Will try to write more often and include pictures soon!