Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Well the day is almost over and I just wanted to quickly write about how thankful I am this year. I am thankful for my wonderful family and fabulous friends. My mom and dad came down this morning and brought us breakfast of cinnamon rolls and fruit! Yummy!! Then I had to go down to the hospital to get my second of two steroid shots to help babies lungs if they do come early. The good news is my blood pressure was back down to normal!!! 106/66!!! This made me sooooo happy!!!
Later we had Thanksgiving dinner at Adam's mom's house. Good food and great company!
Well I guess its off to bed for me Adam has to work at 4am tomorrow while I snuggle in! I really don't miss my days of working retail!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving tomorrow

It is Thanksgiving tomorrow and we have so much to be thankful for this year! I am currently 31 weeks and 3 days. The babies all passed their BPP's today and my blood pressure went down some but is still highish at 120/90.  With my blood pressure still being high the Dr. says although it is not pre-eclampsia yet, it is a matter of time as to when it will develop. OIY!!! So I received the first of two steroid shots today to give the boys' lungs a little extra boost if they come earlier than planned. I still get to stay home so I am thankful for that as well.
 We are also thankful for more blessings in our lives, one of my very good friends from high school found out today that she will be having twin girls!!!!! I couldn't believe it!!! Their first daughter will be 2 in January and the twins should be born late march early april!
  The snow has started to fall here and it looks like the ice and sleet that was predicted will miss us (fingers crossed) we are definitely saying our prayers for anyone that has traveling to do over the long weekend!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Good news from the DR

So my results from urinalysis were in the normal range so no pre-eclampsia for me! Yay!! I know it is a strong possibility that it can still develop but I will cross that bridge if and when I get there. I know to watch for the symptoms of it and I have Dr appointments every week now so that eases my mind quite a bit. Now I know that my number one most important job is to take it easy, rest, relax and let these babies grow and grow.  I am still hopeful for them to be born after Christmas but will take every week as a gift from God to them and us. Week 31 starts tomorrow so only 3 weeks until our original goal of 34 weeks and only 5 weeks til their planned c-section! The end is in sight and we can do it!!!!
Snuck out of the house today to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part one with my friend Allison today. It was a lot of fun and mom and babies made it through the whole movie without a bathroom break! They tested me briefly by kicking me in the bladder but stopped when they realized what a cool movie mom would be missing out on!!
All in all I would say it was a good day! I will be thinking of my nephew Ryan tomorrow as the whole family will be getting together in the cities to celebrate his 1st birthday. Adam thinks it is best to just stay put in Eau Claire and as much as I hate it I have to agree that staying here close to our familiar doctors and hospitals is probably the best choice for us. Of course I am still expecting to see tons of pictures from the event so my sis better not let me down!!!
Thanks for the prayers!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bed Rest

Well the day I have been expecting for months has finally arrived and has taken me completely off guard. I was pleasantly surprised to find out there was nothing wrong with my liver ( I had a lot of the symptoms of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy). Now suddenly I have raised blood pressure so I have to do a 24 hour urinalysis to make sure I am not starting to develop pre-eclampsia. Dr said if numbers are too high from tests on my kidneys I will have to be admitted to hospital. This was definitely a big shock to me, going from no rest or restrictions and basically no problems in my first 30 weeks to looking at possible bedrest to start off week 31. Never the less my hormones took control of me and I cried a lot today! 
got some pics from my auntie today from my shower so I will have Adam scan them in to the computer tomorrow and post some belly pics.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

We have a birthday!!!

Doctor's appointment yesterday all babies passed their BPP's with 8's! They weighed in at 2lbs 9 oz, 2lbs 10oz, and 2lb 11oz!  I also got the chance to talk to the doctor about setting up a c-section date. She wouldn't set it for any earlier than 36 weeks so December 28th will be the day to celebrate!!!
 Congrats to my mother in law she had a beautiful wedding last night that I barely made it to after waiting around so long at the Dr office. I didn't stay long after the meal cause I had such a long day but it sounds like fun was had by all seeing as I think it was after 12 when Adam got home!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

ultrasound pics

From the top baby A, baby B and Baby C- 7 weeks
All three in one shot-14 weeks

Baby A, B, and C- pictures from Mayo clinic 22 weeks

Our story so far....

We found out we were expecting on March 17th 2010. After confirming with HSG tests we were very excited but still wary, we knew all to well that things could still go wrong. We were scheduled for a 7 week ultrasound just to confirm everything on June 9th. Adam came with me to the appointment and right away I could see two seperate "things" on the screen but since I am not an ultrasound technician I didn't say anything just watched. She pointed to the first little guy and pointed out the heartbeat, then pointed to the second heartbeat(which shocked Adam quite a bit!) and then moving the device found another little guy higher in my uterus and pointed out a THIRD heartbeat!!! I was in shock!! Twins happen, no big deal but triplets no way! 
 We went home with the three little ultrasound pictures of A, B and C wondering what we were going to do next....
  We told our parents on Father's Day, they were very excited and surprised as well. The extended family found out the weekend of the 4th of July after our 10week ultrasound confirmed everything was still going well. We made it facebook official on July 5th!! 
  We found out that our blessings were all little boys on August 28th at our 18 week ultrasound. So much for the little girl that Adam had his heart set on since I met him. Of course as his brother says "Hick's men produce boys!!"
  Since then we have been trying to figure everything out. Registering for babies was fun but a little stressful because it is hard to imagine what you will need in threes, twos and what you can get by with only one of.... The real test will be when they are here, then we will for sure know the answers.We have been blessed with our fabulous families and friends support. Lots of clothes and other items have been donated and after 3 showers I feel like we almost have everything we need...
   We are now at 29 weeks and 1 day, our original goal was to make it to 34 weeks which we were told we needed to be at to have the babies here in town. Now I am feeling more optimistic and hope to be able to plan a c-section for 35-36 weeks. (Adam of course is on call for week 35!) so we will see at our appointment on Friday! 
  I will try to add some pictures but this whole blog thing is new to me so bear with me!!!